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Reviewers´ page

Scientific and medical literature shared through open access channels is growing exponentially. New journals are published each passing day, consequently competing for quality and relevance by attracting submissions, as well as attracting and retaining a pool of experienced reviewers.

The PAMJ-One Health (PAMJ-OH) benefits from the support of a wide range of professionals, from the biomedical and public health fields, who performed critical review of manuscripts. The map below shows the global footprint of these professionals.

Reviewers play an undeniable role in maintaining the quality of scientific publications by freely sharing their time, expertise, resourceful minds, and knowledge. We consistently seek to partner with enthusiastic and experienced professionals to review manuscripts submitted to our journals and help authors turn them into winning publications. To serve as reviewer for the PAMJ-OH, complete the form below and you will be added to the PAMJ-OH Reviewers Database.

PAMJ-OH reviewers for 2025

A P Ravinandan , India Aarab Adnane , Morocco
Abd Allattef Suber Bareq , Iraq Abdelkoui Anissa , Morocco
Abdul Kareem Rukayat , Nigeria Adeke Dr Azuka , Nigeria
Agho Theophilus , Nigeria Al Serouri Abdul Wahed , Yemen
Amer Noori Rasha , Iraq Angira Charles , Kenya
Awandu Shehu , Kenya Ayalew Sindu , Ethiopia
Ayodo George , Kenya Bepouka Ben , Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Beyala Bita?a Landry , Cameroon Bok John , South Sudan
Duah Evans , South Africa Faruk Muhammad , Indonesia
Garba Bashiru , Nigeria Hande Madhav , India
Hassan Nor Suhana , Malaysia Ibrahim Farha , Malaysia
Irnandi Dicky Faizal , Indonesia Jalo Rabiu , Nigeria
Johnson Christian , Benin Juliana Namutundu , Uganda
Kalonji Guillaume , Democratic Republic Of The Congo Kalpana Thakur , India
Kamadjeu Raoul , United States Kapend Lievin , Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Kebe Amadou Tila , Mali Konadu Akua , Nigeria
Maison Patrick , Ghana Maki Hamza Dhamiaa , Iraq
Massoda Salomon , Canada Mohammed Amina , Nigeria
Mudhafar Amina , Iraq Muhammad Bello Malami , Nigeria
Munyao Kingoo James , Kenya Naqvi Waqar , India
Ndikubwimana Jean Bosco , Rwanda Negero Benti , Ethiopia
Nzeyimana Zephanie , Rwanda Oduola Bolarinwa , Nigeria
Okeyo Isaac , Kenya Okube Tekeste , Eritrea
Oluwadare Franklyn , Nigeria Oluwole Esther , Nigeria
Onkoba Wycliffe Nyomongo , Kenya Pangestu Mulyoto , Australia
Pashine Aishwarya , India Pitaloka Cyntia , Indonesia
Raji Abiodun , Nigeria Salama Mai , Egypt
Sitienei Joseph , Kenya Sk Abd Razak Ruhana , Malaysia
Suthar Hansaram , India Tagoto Alliance , Democratic Republic Of The Congo
Taibi Mohamed , Morocco Titanji Boghuma , UNITED STATES
Tsague Landry , Senegal Udofia Edidiong , Nigeria
Umar Ahmad , Nigeria Wamalwa Mildred , Kenya
Yambayamba Marc , Democratic Republic Of The Congo Yenga Matali , DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Zeng Florent , Democratic Republic Of The Congo

PAMJ-OH peer review process (peer review policy)

1. Key points

What is peer-review

The peer review process is a key element of the scientific process. During the peer review process, the submitted manuscript go through a thorough examination of manuscripts by other scientists (peer) who will read the article to adherence its adherence to the highest level of scientific method and make a motivated recommendation to the managing editors.

The peer-review process in PAMJ-OH

At PAMJ-OH, we review all the material we receive. The editors of PAMJ-OH perform an internal peer-review at the end of which, a manuscript can be rejected, accepted or submitted for external peer-review.

During the initial internal review, the editors focus on the overall look of the manuscript, adherence to journal standards, the quality of the written language. At this stage, we also focus on the topic addressed in the manuscript, its relevance to the journal audience, its originality, adherence to publication and research ethics. The overall methodology of the work is also reviewed at this stage to try to identify gross methodological shortfalls. Most of the manuscripts will not be send for external peer review at this stage to avoid spending valuable reviewers time. We may eventually request the authors to submit a revised version of their manuscript at this stage.

Initial internal review
The editor in charge of the manuscript conduct and initial assessment of the manuscript. This assessment aims to ensure that the submission adheres to the journal instructions for authors. The editors may decide at this stage to reject the manuscript.

1. Internal peer review
This review is conducted by a managing editor, a science editor or an associate editor to assess the relevance of the manuscript, its importance to our readership, its scientific quality, and eventually identify obvious or flagrant issues with the submission including in the ethical aspects. The managing editor, science editor, or associate editor (see the journal staff page) can decide at this stage to either reject the manuscript or request revisions. The internal peer review will also focus on the submission adherence to existing scientific writing guidances such as CARE, STROBE, PRISMA, etc.. Submission in the categories Case reports, Images in Clinical Medicine are usually not externally peer-reviewed, but internally reviewed the a managing editor, a science editor, an associate editor or a member of the editorial board.

2. External peer review
The PAMJ-OH employs a single-blind peer review process where the author do not know who is the reviewer of his/her submission while the reviewer has all details of the authors of the manuscript and their affiliation.

PAMJ-OH uses online peer review to speed up the publication process. Submitted manuscripts will be sent to peer reviewers, unless they are either out of scope or below threshold for the journal, or the presentation or written English/French is of an unacceptably low standard.

A declaration of competing interests is requested from all reviewers through the online peer-review platform.

The ultimate responsibility for any decision lies with the managing editor or science editor in charge of the manuscript to whom any appeals against rejection should be addressed.

Authors can be asked to provide the contact details (including e-mail addresses) of at least 2 potential peer reviewers for their manuscript in case the journal is not able to identify appropriate reviewers because of the complexity or rarity of the topic under study. These should be experts in their field of study, who will be able to provide an objective assessment of the manuscript. Suggested peer reviewers should not have published with any of the authors of the manuscript within the past five years and should not be members of the same research institution. Suggested reviewers will be considered, as much as possible, alongside potential reviewers identified by their publication record.

To guide the peer-review process, the PAMJ-OH provides a checklist adapted from the Review Criteria for Research Manuscripts 2nd Edition (AAMC). the Reviewers are asked whether the manuscript is scientifically sound and coherent, how interesting it is and whether the quality of the writing is acceptable. Where possible, the final decision is made on the basis that the peer reviewers are in accordance with one another, or that at least there is no strong dissenting view. In cases where there is strong disagreement either among peer reviewers or between the authors and peer reviewers, advice is sought from a member of the journal's Editorial Board.

Download an overview of PAMJ-OH review template (PDF 105 KB).

Material for reviewers

To facilitate the assessment of manuscript by peer-reviewers, PAMJ-OH provides a peer-review form. The peer reviewers will provide their expert judgment on the quality (general aspects, objectives, methods, majors revisions, minor revisions, opinion on whether or not the manuscript should be published). A copy of the reviewer´s template is available here.

Other material exists that could be of help to peer-reviewers, we encourage potential peer-reviewers to look at them:

How do we reward our reviewers

Reviewers for the PAMJ-OH can elect to receive a reviewer certificate through the PAMJ-OH Manuscript Hut; the manuscript management and peer review system for all PAMJ-OH Journals. We also allow reviewers to opt to have their review report posted on Publons, a reviewer recognition platform. Lastly, reviewers for the PAMJ-OH can claim for a waiver for article processing charges at their next submission to any of the affiliated PAMJ-OH journals.

The PAMJ-OH is always looking for enthusiastic, experienced and dedicated professionals to review the multiple manuscripts we received every year. By filling this form, you will be automatically added to the PAMJ-OH Reviewer Database. Provide complete information, including a short bio sketch including your past and current experience, your work interest and your current affiliation; this information will help us identify the appropriate manuscript for you to review.

Complete this form to be included in the PAMJ-OH Reviewers database. The PAMJ-OH will not share your private information with third parties.

First name

Last name


Affiliation (University, Department)

Select your speciality (click on the box to expand it - You can select up to five speciality)

   Cell biology
   Molecular Biology


   Health communication

   Dental Public Health
   Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
   Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
   Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
   Oral health
   Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
   Pediatric Dentistry

   Nuclear medicine

   Environmental chemistry/biology
   Environmental health
   Environmental management
   Food protection
   Hygiene and sanitation
   Medical entomology
   Water resources
   Work environment

   Diabetes epidemiology
   HIV epidemiology
   Infectious diseases epidemiology
   Non-Communicable diseases epidemiology
   Population Health

   Health emergencies
   Public health emergencies

   Health economy
   Health information system management
   Health system development


   Vaccine cold chain
   Vaccine logistic

   Health informatics
   Medical informatics
   Public Health informatics

   Metabolic bone diseases

   Laboratory medicine
   Laboratory medicine

   Diabetes care
   Emergency medicine
   Family Medicine
   Forensic Medicine
   Hospice and Palliative Medicine
   Infectious disease
   Intensive care medicine
   Internal medicine
   Palliative care
   Physical medicine and rehabilitation or Physiatry
   Sport medicine
   Tropical medicine
   Urgent Care Medicine
   Veterinary medicine

   Clinical Neurophysiology
   Geriatric Neurology
   Headache Medicine
   Hospice and Palliative Medicine
   Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
   Neurology (general)
   Neuromuscular Medicine
   Pain Medicine
   Sleep Medicine
   Vascular Neurology

   Nursing education
   Public Health Nursing

   Child nutrition
   Food safety

   Obstetrics and gynecology

   Pediatric cardiology
   Pediatric endocrinology
   Pediatric gastroenterology
   Pediatric hematology
   Pediatric neurology
   Pediatric oncology
   Pediatric ophthalmology
   Pediatrics (general)

   Drug delivery systems
   Drug design and development
   Medicinal chemistry

   Cosmetic surgery
   Craniofacial surgery
   Hand surgery

   Chronic disease prevention
   Community health
   Global health
   Health education
   Health metrics
   Health policy
   Health promotion
   Health Research
   International health
   Maternal and child health
   Maternal and child health
   Measles elimination
   Minority and multicultural health
   Occupational health and safety
   Polio eradication
   Public health
   Reproductive Health
   Respiratory diseases
   School health

   History of medicine

   HIV prevention and care (PMTCT)
   Malaria control program
   Neglected diseases
   Onchocerciasis control program
   Polio eradication
   Tetanus elimination
   Trachoma control program

   Cardiovascular surgery
   Endoscopic surgery
   General surgery
   Head, Neck and Reconstructive Surgery
   Maxillofacial surgery
   Orthopedic surgery
   Otolaryngology (ENT)
   Pediatric surgery
   Surgical oncology
   Surgical Sciences
   Thoracic surgery
   Transplant surgery
   Vascular surgery

   Vector biology
   Vector control

Selected specialities (will appear here - this field is read-only)

Enter a short bio of yourself and selected list of publication in peer review journals (if any)

Country of current location

Ensure all the fields are completed and click on the button below to submit your form.

Volume 16 (Jan - Apr 2025)
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Articles published in PAMJ-OH are Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
eISSN: 2707-2800

The PAMJ-One Health (ISSN: 2707-2800) is a subsidiary of the Pan African Medical Journal. The contents of this journal is intended exclusively for professionals in the medical, paramedical and public health and other health sectors.

Physical address: Kenya: 3rd Floor, Park Suite Building, Parkland Road, Nairobi. PoBox 38583-00100, tel: +254 (0)20-520-4356 | Cameroon: Immeuble TechnoPark Essos, Yaounde, PoBox: 10020 Yaounde, tel: +237 (0)24-309-5880